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Educational Activities

Educational programmes

The Brera Botanical Garden offers all schools – from kindergarten to secondary school – a rich programme of educational activities that explore our natural heritage, promote responsible behaviour for its protection and disseminate scientific culture.

Guided tour

(duration 1 h)

We organize guided tours so you can discover about the historical-natural heritage of the Brera Botanical Garden, presented according to the level of students and the season.

Guided tour and workshop

(duration 2 h. Only for kindergarten duration 1½ h)

Each meeting starts with a walk in the Garden that allows you to see for yourself how organisms relate to the environment in which they live.

The samples collected during this first phase are then used to continue the programme in the teaching room, with laboratory experiments, microscope and stereoscope observations, graphic or photographic reproduction.


Each programme is developed according multisensory learning methods, favouring an experiential approach through practical workshops and group discussions.

We also offer interdisciplinary programmes that foster collaboration among teachers from different disciplines.

Download the leaflet of Educational Activities

Days and times

Monday to Friday, with the time to be agreed between 9:00 and 16:00.

Cancellation or variation

Any cancellation or justified variation must be notified at least two weeks in advance.

Disabled access

People with significant mobility disabilities and/or wheelchairs users may have difficulty using the gravel paths. Therefore we recommend that they are being accompanied. Contact us for more details.

Costs and payment methods

-For guided tour: € 5 per student.
-For guided tour and workshop: € 7 per student.
-For guided tour and workshop (only kindergarten): € 5 per student.

No charge for accompanying teachers and students with certified disabilities.
There is no entrance ticket.

Payment instructions will be communicated at the time of reservation.

Extraordinary bad weather conditions

If the weather is extraordinarily bad, the meetings which include outdoor activities may be carried out in the teaching room, where an alternative activity will be offered.

For information use the contacts indicated at the bottom of the page

ArteOrto for School

A walk among art and botany at the Pinacoteca di Brera, to discover the use and meaning of the plant species represented in some paintings, and at the Brera Botanical Garden, to observe these same plants which are part of our collections.

The itinerary consists of:
1.) guided tour in the Botanical Garden
2.) educational activity at the Pinacoteca di Brera
3.) a workshop in the Botanical Garden
The itinerary is planned so that it starts from the Pinacoteca and continues in the Botanical Garden or vice versa. Participants are guided by staff at the Pinacoteca and the Brera Botanical Garden.

For more information about ArteOrto project:

ARTEORTO for SCHOOL – Who is it for?

The project targets primary school students and secondary school students at the first and second levels, and activities are organized according to the students’ age.


Every Wednesday + some extra dates, from September to June, except April


12€ per student (at least 20 paying students per class group).

From 1st January 2023 the project will cost 240€ per class group.

Who made ArteOrto project possible?

Information and reservations
Tour operator Circolo degli Esploratori
Tel 0575 759738


Programmes for soft skills development and career guidance (PCTO)

PCTOs were introduced in the Italian school system as an innovative teaching method. Through practical experience, they help secondary school students to consolidate the training acquired at school, to test their different attitudes in action, to help them decide on their higher education path (their study plan) and acquire skills that can also be used in the world of work.

Over the years, the Brera Botanical Garden has set up various projects carried out on site. Secondary school students, hosted in the working context and guided by tutors, have learnt about the care, study and valorisation of the Botanical Garden and its collections. They have taken a role in preparing promotional materials for the activities of the Botanical Garden and have helped to welcome both Italian and foreign non-specialist visitors on the occasion of major events. They have also attended plant biology workshops.

Enrolment on projects at Brera Botanical Garden can only be made according to the procedure and by applying to official calls (link).

Via Brera 28
Via privata F.lli Gabba 10
20121 Milan

+39 02 50314683
+39 02 50314698
+39 331 6171116

Contact us